Thursday, June 9, 2016

Now Accepting Community Submissions!

Paratography has opened it's doors to accept pictures from our viewers! We'd love to see your builds, creations and everything in between!

Today we feature a build from 889wlry, known as Cora. Cora is an A1craft Towny Moderator, and agreed to send us a spectacular view of her home. Always willing to accept company, Cora built the house by herself, and recieved help for some intricate redstone doors from dante.

She also requested we include the following picture of Para, taken while afk and wearing a "Agent Duckie 08" costume:
Thank you to Cora for the wonderful pictures. Be sure to say hi to her in-game!

Want to submit your own pictures? Send them to Para using the A1 forums profile here:
Further questions can be answered in-game, simply find ParadiddlePride using /player on

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